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Robert S. Goldsmith, a real estate partner in the Woodbridge office of Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, has been appointed to the Main Street New Jersey Board of Advisors within the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs. Established in 1989, Main Street New Jersey is a comprehensive revitalization program that promotes the historic and economic redevelopment of traditional business districts in New Jersey. Goldsmith will serve a one-year term.

Goldsmith, chair of the firm’s Redevelopment Practice Group, has experience in redevelopment, complex commercial litigation and appellate work. He has counseled and consulted with both developers and municipalities for numerous redevelopment projects in more than 25 municipalities and over 30 Special Improvement Districts throughout the state. Goldsmith is President of Downtown New Jersey and a member of its Executive Committee. He serves on the New Jersey Committee of the Regional Plan Association. Goldsmith has developed and currently teaches a new course in redevelopment law at Rutgers Law School, Newark. He has also served as an adjunct professor of environmental law in the Graduate Department of Urban Planning and Policy Development at Rutgers University and also has taught environmental law in the masters program for environmental engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He frequently lectures on downtown redevelopment and revitalization issues.

Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP has offices located in Woodbridge and Roseland, New Jersey. For more information, call 732-549-5600 or visit the firm's web site at www.greenbaumlaw.com.